1. Comparative Financial Systems

Allen, Franklin; Gale, Douglas (2001) Comparative Financial Systems: A Survey. Financial Institutions Center at The Wharton School, Working Paper #01-15

Fohlin, Caroline (2000) Economic, Political, and Legal Factors in Financial System Development: International Patterns in Historical Perspective. California Institute of Technology, Division of the Humanities Social Science Working Paper No. 1089

Levine, Ross (2002) Bank-Based or Market-Based Financial Systems: Which is Better?. NBER Working Paper No. w9138

Popov, Vladimir (1999) The Financial System in Russia Compared to Other Transition Economies: The Anglo-American Versus the German-Japanese Model. Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 41 Issue 1: 1-41

Rajan, Raghuram G.; Zingales, Luigi (2003) The great reversals: the politics of financial development in the twentieth century. Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 69 Issue 1: 5-50

Sigurt I. Vitols (2004) Changes in Germany's Bank-Based Financial System: A Varieties of Capitalism Perspective. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2004 03, Berlin: WZB.

Sigurt I. Vitols (2003) From Banks to Markets: The Political Economy of Liberalization of the German and Japanese Financial Systems. In Yamamura and Streeck, eds., The End of Diversity? Prospects of Germans and Japanese Capitalism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Sigurt I. Vitols (2001) The Origins of Bank-Based and Market-Based Financial Systems: Germany, Japan, and the United States'. In: Wolfgang Streeck and Kozo Yamamura, eds., The Origins of Nonliberal Capitalism: Germany and Japan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

2. Comparative corporate governance

Bolton, Patrick; Becht, Marco; Roell, Alisa (2002) 'Corporate Governance and Control'. NBER Working Paper No. w9371

Bratton, William Wilson and McCahery, Joseph A. (1999) 'Comparative Corporate Governance and the Theory of the Firm: The Case Against Global Cross Reference. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 38, No. 2

Jacoby, Sanford M. Corporate Governance in Comparative Perspective: Prospects for Convergence. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, Forthcoming

O'Sullivan M. (2003) 'The political economy of comparative corporate governance' Review of International Political Economy 10 (1): 2372

Corporate Governance, Innovation, and Economic Performance in the EU

A research project funded by the Targeted Socio-Economic Research Programme of DGXII of the Commission of the European Communities

National Systems of Corporate Governance

Amatori F. and Colli A., 'Corporate Governance: The Italian Story', January 2001

Juergens U. and Rupp J., 'The German System of Corporate Governance - Characteristics and Changes', January 2001

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O'Sullivan M., 'Change and Continuity in the French System of Corporate Governance', January 2001

O'Sullivan M., 'A Revolution in European Corporate Governance? The Extent and Implications of Recent Developments in the Role of the Stock Market in Five European Economies', synthesis report

Owen G., 'Corporate Governance in Britain: Is Incremental Reform Enough?', January 2001


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